Sunday, September 19, 2010


How can we save the over population today?
We can Save The Over Population through Family Planning.
Through family planning we can Minimize or help our Country Peaceful and clean.

 The country's population rate is mind blowing and overwhelming. Unless we do something drastic about it, we cannot hope for a better Philipines in the future. Considering the current available resources in our country, things will become worst before it gets better. I don't want to delve into details and facts but I believe that each and everyone of us should at least aware of what's going on. Knowledge is power as they say, but I do hope also that the Filipino people will DO what it takes to control the rocketing population growth.

With regards to family planning these are my stand:

1. The main root of underdevelopment, economic stagnation, high crime rate, illiteracy, and other is no other than over-population. Very simply mathematics and analysis will show you. Philippines' habitable and arable lands, and other natural resources are shrinking against a growing population.

2. The church clergies' have not experienced the hardship of raising a family since they never had one. They have not experienced how to live in slum areas. They have not experienced looking for a job with empty stomach. They have not felt how difficult it is for parents to see their children go hungry. No wonder they are against birth control. May God forgive them for turning against the welfare of their flock.

3. The politicians including the president do not consider population problem a priority because they are rich and have no problem raising their children.

4. Even if the president can create millions job it will not solve unemployment when population growth is not controlled.

5. Let us join hands and promote Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood. 

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